Himanshi Bhatt
3 Mins
September 24, 2020

Announcing the Web Data Extraction Summit 2020

Web data extraction has become one of the most important tools for businesses to grow and stay ahead of the competition. From developing better pricing strategies to identifying hidden risks and building better products, web data extraction provides the power to transform infinite web data into a structured format that can help you make profitable decisions.

However, as the number of websites continues to grow, data extraction has become increasingly complex. Constantly changing website structures, antibot practices and scaling requirements add to the difficulty.

To overcome the ever-increasing challenges, the web data extraction industry has gone through impressive innovations and transformations in recent years that enable extracting accurate data in an efficient manner. During this revolutionary time in the industry, we are delighted to announce that Zyte will be once again hosting the Web Data Extraction Summit this year on Tuesday, November 10th, 2020.

This year, however, things will be a little different. Given we are living in strange times, this year the Extract Summit is going to be a completely free-to-attend and virtual event making it accessible for data enthusiasts all over the world to network and learn from each other! All you need is a laptop or a phone to get instant access to lots of amazing talks and connect with hundreds of other data lovers like you.

Extract Summit 2020 Speakers

Inspired by the great success of some of the talks during the Web Data Extraction Summit 2019 and feedback from attendees, we are planning a fantastic lineup of speakers this year. Sessions will include talks ranging from basic approaches to scrape to advanced level use of AI and machine learning in data extraction. Along with use cases on how companies from different industries use web extracted data and follow-up sessions on some interesting topics covered last year such as tackling antibots. Our Data Scientists and Product Engineers will also give you a sneak peek of some of the most cutting edge technologies in the web data extraction industry. 

The stellar line-up will share their expert knowledge on topics like Running a Business on Web Scraped Data,  How Venture Capital Firms use Web Data to find Billion-Dollar Companies, and How to Build Your Own Price Monitoring Tool. Along with panels on Legal Compliance in the World of Web Scraping and Cutting Edge Ways to Tackle Anti-Bot Challenges. 

With the range of topics covering everything from advanced-technical discussions to business know-how, at the Extract Summit, there is something for everyone. You can view the agenda here, and stay tuned as more talks are announced!

Don’t miss out on the chance to be amidst hundreds of data lovers and hear from some of the leaders and pioneers of the web scraping and data extraction industry.

Oh, and did we mention it's completely free! 

We will be announcing more talks are we get closer to November 10th, along with some exciting competitions very soon, so make sure you follow us on social media to stay updated!

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